Tuesday, February 18, 2014


     Christian's thoughts drifted to HER as he and Johnny Lacada continued the predictable path of this game. They had freed the rooms in the house of their digital contents: guns, ammo, health packs, journals, changes of clothes, and water. As he was x'ing on the water bottles he wondered what the difference between those and the health packs were. The water probably restored a little less of his health bar in the upper right corner of the screen than did the health packs, he surmised.
     He thought of that first night he saw HER and then remembered their first conversation, which was initiated by him outside the Italian place. His friends had left and on their way to their homes or the next bar they had told him that he was a creeper and that anyone waiting outside a restaurant to talk to a stranger was just weird. He agreed, and then waited anyway. Minutes passed, Christian lit a cigarette, smoked it and threw it to the street. His gamble was that she smoked too. Otherwise he was going to have to interrupt her and her boyfriend, and that could prove to be the wrong move in a number of ways. He considered abandoning his plan and just heading home, jerking off and calling it a night. He took one step away and realized that he was out of toilet paper, and would have to stop at the store for that plan to work.
     As he turned back to the restaurant and decided to go inside and use the bathroom before making any decisions he almost ran into HER. Holy fuck, did she smell good. Like cigarettes and Victoria's Secret spray. He didn't know which flowers or chemicals went into tat particular scent, but he was prepared to find out.
     "What the fuck?" She said, her eyes looking up at him, wide and not furious. That was good. This could work. His heart had stopped momentarily when they bumped into each other and when she swore at him he thought he had ruined it. But those eyes told him something different.
     "Sorry," he stammered, "I was just going back inside."
     "What, did your friends abandon you?" She was a little buzzed and felt like messing with this guy, who smelled mainly like smoke and a little like pancetta.
     "Kind of, I just had to go back inside real quick." But he didn't move. He was blocking her way.
     "Yeah that's what you said. What were you going back in for?" She was definitely more buzzed than she thought when she came out for a cigarette.  
     "To be honest, I have no toilet paper at home and didn't wanna stop at the store." He didn't even look ashamed to be saying something so personal, and instead kept staring at her eyes, blinking enough to make it a little less weird.
     "So you were gonna steal it so you could take a shit at home, or you were gonna use the public bathroom?" God, how much wine had she had, she wondered as she lit a cigarette and made some space between them. She wouldn't even talk to her boyfriend like that.
     "Neither," he said.
     Before she could ask anything else, or could even decide if she wanted to know what he was talking about her boyfriend stumbled out with a cigarette in his mouth and tugged his tight jeans below his hips another couple of inches before putting his arm around her, flicking his blonde moppy hair back, and with a slight nod of the head said, "Who's this?"
     Christian stared at him. Hated him. Looked at his jeans. Hated them. Looked back at HER. His hand shot out with a lighter for the hipster. "I'm Christian."
     "Like that's your name or your religion?" Mop head quipped.
     "What's your name?" Christian was looking at HER as he lit HER man's fag.
     She wasn't sure what to do. She wanted to let him know what her name was, and he made her man seem so inconsequential. She felt awful for thinking that. "I'm Koren and this is Auden. Thanks for the light." She lit her cigarette from Christian lighter and blew a puff of smoke away from their human triangle. She wished Auden would leave and again felt guilt creeping in. She was buzzed enough to not worry about talking to a stranger, but not buzzed enough to crush the guilt. It was a two and a half glass of wine buzz, she decided.
     "Auden, huh? Interesting." If he was gin-drunk instead of wine drunk he would have had some more words about that particular name. "Nice to meet you both, I gotta get to the store before they close. I hear there's a run on tp." He started to walk away and then stopped, "You guys from here?"
     They answered in unison. "No, but we live here now." Such a couple thing to do. Auden pulled his jeans lower.
     "We work at the Artisan Center in Cherry Creek in case you ever want to buy some local art." It was HER, letting him know what he couldn't ask.
     "Right. Later folks." Christian walked away and lit a cigarette. At least he wouldn't have to use the internet to accomplish his goal before sleep tonight.

Monday, February 17, 2014


     "Mr. Green and Mr. Blue." Said Johnny.
     "Don't do that." Christian said as his character got up off the couch and began running into walls and bookcases while looking for any pickup-able items. John's character, Mr. Blue, aka Quinton, was also running around in the third person view, attempting to find something, anything that could be picked up. As this was happening Christian began wondering about the nature of stuff and of people and their stuff. In this game, which had a dire plot and harsh consequences for the digitally created players, the stuff meant 'survival' and you needed it to 'win'. Was it the same in reality? Did we need stuff to survive? Fuck, of course not, he thought. Well, not stuff in the 21st century meaning, at any rate. We didn't need ipods or iphones or fucking tube socks or ps3's or, or, or, or....
     Before Christian had graduated kindergarten he had a dream about Christmas. He dreamed that he woke up on a Christmas morning and found his entire living room covered with Star Wars toys. There were X-Wing fighters and Millennium Falcons hanging from the ceiling. There were hundreds of action figures set up around the living room, all holding weapons, all ready to fire upon the enemy. There were Ewok huts and Imperial fortresses. That was in July. That dream always stuck with him. Not because of the dream itself but because of the timing. He felt guilty wanting presents in July, and he felt silly because he was disappointed when he came downstairs that summer morning to find no presents at all. Later that day a bird was trapped in the shed behind his house. He killed it with a wiffle ball bat.
     "Did you pick up any health? " LaCada interrupted his thoughts and he realized he had been playing on auto-pilot, crusing around like so many games before this, searching rooms, opening drawers, adding inventory. Clear the room, next room. Clear the room, next room. They had both picked up a .9mm handgun, a few rounds of ammo, some health packs and Johnny had found a journal. Of course. Did people read these journals in video games, Lacada wondered. There were always journals, but more often than not he would find them and grab them simply to advance the story.
     LaCada thought about his own journal. The one that was hidden under his hat collection in a closet upstairs. He had promised to be faithful to it, but then life got in the way and it became less of a priority. Plus, he had less to write about, which made him cringe a little. What would he even have to confess? He lived a clean-ish life now. No weed. No Tobacco. Limited pill usage. No other women. No disgusting porn. He even watched reality TV with his wife, and to be honest with himself, he didn't want to put that in the journal. Could you imagine finding a journal years into the future, on an archeological dig and hoping it would be exciting only to find a recap of a scripted reality show. The thought was almost too depressing to have.
     "What's in the journal?" Christain asked.
     "Nothing interesting. Not this early on anyway." LaCada responded.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

krótki rozdział

     As quickly as LaCada confirmed his justice selection, the screen said Chapter 1. They both knew what the game was about, although the intro had been something new. The game was about two men in a post-dirty bomb world. Only this wasn't a nuclear bomb that wiped out everyone and turned them to zombies. This bomb was one that was detonated in Austin and after killing a few thousand in short order, the city was shut down to martial law, as was Texas shortly after. Eventually the rest of the country was under martial law and every citizen was treated as a suspect.
     The point of the game was to use the two characters as a team in order to end martial law. There were multiple ways to reach a conclusion to this game, and both John and Christian had avoided the online walk through pages for each scenario on purpose.
     So here they were, two men, playing a video game as two men trapped under martial law. The game was set in Seattle and the opening scene involved, ironically, two men sitting on a couch watching a blank screen. They were too shocked to move. The dirty bomb hit Austin 3 days prior. Within 48 hours the entire country was under martial law. The camera panned around to face the digital faces. Thankfully, at least Christian thought, there was closed captioning built into the game. Or subtitles, however you like it. The men began to speak. Both were inexplicably wearing cargo pants and hoodies. Both were white(ish) looking. One wore a cap with a B on it, one did not. One sweatshirt was green (Johnny's character), the other was blue. The names of the men in the game were Quinton and Francis. Christian disliked Tarantino and was happy that the blue sweatshirt of Francis belonged to his character.
     "Do you still buy into Tarantino and all of the self-righteous crap he spews into his movies?" Christian asked, not looking away from the screen.
     "I like his movies. they're entertaining. They pass a few hours and sometimes make me think."
     "About what?!" Christian was annoyed, " How to be a media created image of a gangster or how to have a foot fetish or how eventually the nerds will take over, but the nerds just wanna be like the cool kids?"
     "He did that one where they killed Nazis."
     "Shit, that's true," Christian responded, and he did like that one. He had only seen it once though and wouldn't see it again.
     "Anyway, let's play this game, we have to figure out how we are gonna leave this house and get some weapons."

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Nędza Uszczęśliwiona

     And then the game began. The screen went black and just as suddenly lit up again, with an array of amoeba shaped colors, shifting and moving in front of their eyes. The music was a cantata - Misery Made Happy. The music and the singing and the lights lit up the room and John and Christian sat, staring into it, one holding a bowl, the other holding a drink. These were not sober times, but these were not the most head lightening times either. They were both in a comfort zone. Outside of sobriety, but inside and away from the rest of the world. Certainly not shut-ins, and certainly not club people, the two of them had lives and responsibilities, but for this day they also had a brand new video game to play and plenty of excuses to put off the rest of the day. 
     The game was called footsteps. As the cantata slowly faded away from the opening credits, the sounds of a man walking down a hallway began to rise. He was wearing the kind of shoes you can hear coming from a distance. Not the spineless rubber souled shoes that are slip proof, spill proof, and noise proof. They are the sounds of wooden heels. The kind that make a click clack with each step and the man walking wants you to know he's coming. He wants to see people either move out of the way or raise their head and hope for a quick look. These were important sounding shoes. Or they were meant to be. 
     As the steps grow louder the amoeba shapes shifted to black and the steps stopped. There was a pause. Both controllers rumbled in their hands. They were given an option, in simple black and white. Single player. Co-op. They both pushed down on their controllers, creating a double negative of sorts and scrolling back to single player. 
     "I'll do it." Christian said and moved the tiny arrow icon next to the co-option. 
     "Of course you will," said John. He was still wearing the socks and had actually been itching at them during the entire intro to the game. 
     Christian pushed x and the game began loading. No sound. And then footsteps in the distance. Not the click clack steps but something with a limp. A click and a drag. A click and a drag. Louder and louder until the dragging sound, the unmistakable sound of shoe being pulled against it's will along a wooden floor, was the only sound coming through the speakers. It sounded like a record that had reached the end of it's tracks and needed to be flipped. 
     The room they were in was shaded nicely, no unwanted light would hit the screen. It wasn't a dark room though. It had light, and large windows, and even the front door offered an unobstructed  glimpse of the outside world via a fan shaped window above eye level. Their eyes faced the screen, from behind they two men sitting on a couch, holding onto plastic, watching even more plastic. There have been studies that conclude experiences create much more happiness than do objects. But what about a video game? Is it an experience or an object? Is it both? And if so where does it rank on the scale of things? Christian thought that he may have had enough of the bowl when these thoughts began to creep into his head. He considered telling LaCada his thoughts, then decided against it. 
     The screen gave them an option. There were two tiny arrow icons this time and both had to be pointed at the same choice in order to move forward. The options, presented plainly in white small letters with the dragging foot/record skipping getting louder were simple. 
     We want laughs.
     We want justice.
     LaCada, the red icon, moved to laughs. Christian waited. And then wanted justice. They both pressed x and the music stopped. The screen told them to PICK ONE CHOICE TOGETHER.  
     "Laughs will be forgotten," Christian said, "Justice would be better."
     "So fucking serious. Fine." LaCada said, as he moved his little red arrow and pushed x.